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To create a group

// title & participants
const group = await sock.groupCreate("My Fab Group", [
console.log("created group with id: " + group.gid);
sock.sendMessage(, { text: "hello there" }); // say hello to everyone on the group

To add/remove people to a group or demote/promote people

// id & people to add to the group (will throw error if it fails)
const response = await sock.groupParticipantsUpdate(
["", ""],
"add" // replace this parameter with "remove", "demote" or "promote"

To change the group's subject

await sock.groupUpdateSubject("", "New Subject!");

To change the group's description

await sock.groupUpdateDescription("", "New Description!");

To change group settings

// only allow admins to send messages
await sock.groupSettingUpdate("", "announcement");
// allow everyone to send messages
await sock.groupSettingUpdate("", "not_announcement");
// allow everyone to modify the group's settings -- like display picture etc.
await sock.groupSettingUpdate("", "unlocked");
// only allow admins to modify the group's settings
await sock.groupSettingUpdate("", "locked");

To leave a group

await sock.groupLeave(""); // (will throw error if it fails)

To get the invite code for a group

const code = await sock.groupInviteCode("");
console.log("group code: " + code);

To revoke the invite code in a group

const code = await sock.groupRevokeInvite("");
console.log("New group code: " + code);

To query the metadata of a group

const metadata = await sock.groupMetadata("");
console.log( +
", title: " +
metadata.subject +
", description: " +

To join the group using the invitation code

const response = await sock.groupAcceptInvite("xxx");
console.log("joined to: " + response);

Of course, replace xxx with invitation code.

To get group info by invite code

const response = await sock.groupGetInviteInfo("xxx");
console.log("group information: " + response);

To join the group using groupInviteMessage

const response = await sock.groupAcceptInviteV4(
console.log("joined to: " + response);

Of course, replace xxx with invitation code.

To get list request join

const response = await sock.groupRequestParticipantsList("")

To approve/reject request join

const response = await sock.groupRequestParticipantsUpdate(
"", // id group,
["", ""],
"approve" // replace this parameter with "reject"