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Writing Custom Functionality

Baileys is written with custom functionality in mind. Instead of forking the project & re-writing the internals, you can simply write your own extensions.

First, enable the logging of unhandled messages from WhatsApp by setting:

const sock = makeWASocket({
logger: P({ level: "debug" }),

This will enable you to see all sorts of messages WhatsApp sends in the console.

Some examples:

  1. Functionality to track the battery percentage of your phone. You enable logging and you'll see a message about your battery pop up in the console: {"level":10,"fromMe":false,"frame":{"tag":"ib","attrs":{"from":""},"content":[{"tag":"edge_routing","attrs":{},"content":[{"tag":"routing_info","attrs":{},"content":{"type":"Buffer","data":[8,2,8,5]}}]}]},"msg":"communication"}

    The "frame" is what the message received is, it has three components:

    • tag -- what this frame is about (eg. message will have "message")
    • attrs -- a string key-value pair with some metadata (contains ID of the message usually)
    • content -- the actual data (eg. a message node will have the actual message content in it)
    • read more about this format here

    You can register a callback for an event using the following:

    // for any message with tag 'edge_routing'`CB:edge_routing`, (node: BinaryNode) => {});
    // for any message with tag 'edge_routing' and id attribute = abcd`CB:edge_routing,id:abcd`, (node: BinaryNode) => {});
    // for any message with tag 'edge_routing', id attribute = abcd & first content node routing_info`CB:edge_routing,id:abcd,routing_info`, (node: BinaryNode) => {});


This library was originally a project for CS-2362 at Ashoka University and is in no way affiliated with WhatsApp. Use at your own discretion. Do not spam people with this.

Also, this repo is now licenced under GPL 3 since it uses libsignal-node