📄️ Configuring the Connection
You can configure the connection by passing a SocketConfig object.
📄️ Saving & Restoring Sessions
You obviously don't want to keep scanning the QR code every time you want to connect.
📄️ Handling Events
Baileys uses the EventEmitter syntax for events.
📄️ Implementing a Data Store
Baileys does not come with a defacto storage for chats, contacts, or messages. However, a simple in-memory implementation has been provided. The store listens for chat updates, new messages, message updates, etc., to always have an up-to-date version of the data.
📄️ Sending Messages
Send all types of messages with a single function:
📄️ Forwarding Messages
📄️ Reading Messages
A set of message keys must be explicitly marked read now.
📄️ Update Presence
This lets the person/group with id know whether you're online, offline, typing etc.
📄️ Downloading Media Messages
If you want to save the media you received
📄️ Deleting Messages
Deleting for oneself is supported via chatModify (next section)
📄️ Modifying Chats
WA uses an encrypted form of communication to send chat/app updates. This has been implemented mostly and you can send the following updates: