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Modifying Chats

WA uses an encrypted form of communication to send chat/app updates. This has been implemented mostly and you can send the following updates:

Archive a chat

const lastMsgInChat = await getLastMessageInChat(""); // implement this on your end
await sock.chatModify(
{ archive: true, lastMessages: [lastMsgInChat] },

Mute/unmute a chat

// mute for 8 hours
await sock.chatModify(
{ mute: 8 * 60 * 60 * 1000 },
// unmute
await sock.chatModify({ mute: null }, "", []);

Mark a chat read/unread

const lastMsgInChat = await getLastMessageInChat(""); // implement this on your end
// mark it unread
await sock.chatModify(
{ markRead: false, lastMessages: [lastMsgInChat] },

Delete a message for me

await sock.chatModify(
clear: {
messages: [
{ id: "ATWYHDNNWU81732J", fromMe: true, timestamp: "1654823909" },

Delete a chat

const lastMsgInChat = await getLastMessageInChat(""); // implement this on your end
await sock.chatModify(
delete: true,
lastMessages: [
key: lastMsgInChat.key,
messageTimestamp: lastMsgInChat.messageTimestamp,

Pin/unpin a chat

await sock.chatModify(
pin: true, // or `false` to unpin

If you mess up one of your updates, WA can log you out of all your devices and you'll have to log in again.