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Sending Messages

Send all types of messages with a single function:

Non-Media Messages

import { MessageType, MessageOptions, Mimetype } from "@whiskeysockets/baileys";

const id = ""; // the WhatsApp ID
// send a simple text!
const sentMsg = await sock.sendMessage(id, { text: "oh hello there" });
// send a reply messagge
const sentMsg = await sock.sendMessage(
{ text: "oh hello there" },
{ quoted: message }
// send a mentions message
const sentMsg = await sock.sendMessage(id, {
text: "@12345678901",
mentions: [""],
// send a location!
const sentMsg = await sock.sendMessage(id, {
location: { degreesLatitude: 24.121231, degreesLongitude: 55.1121221 },
// send a contact!
const vcard =
"BEGIN:VCARD\n" + // metadata of the contact card
"VERSION:3.0\n" +
"FN:Jeff Singh\n" + // full name
"ORG:Ashoka Uni;\n" + // the organization of the contact
"TEL;type=CELL;type=VOICE;waid=911234567890:+91 12345 67890\n" + // WhatsApp ID + phone number
const sentMsg = await sock.sendMessage(id, {
contacts: {
displayName: "Jeff",
contacts: [{ vcard }],

const reactionMessage = {
react: {
text: "💖", // use an empty string to remove the reaction
key: message.key,

const sendMsg = await sock.sendMessage(id, reactionMessage);
  1. By default, WA MD does not have link generation when sent from the web
  2. Baileys has a function to generate the content for these link previews
  3. To enable this function's usage, add link-preview-js as a dependency to your project with yarn add link-preview-js
  4. Send a link:
// send a link
const sentMsg = await sock.sendMessage(id, {
text: "Hi, this was sent using",

Media Messages

Sending media (video, stickers, images) is easier & more efficient than ever.

  • You can specify a buffer, a local url or even a remote url.
  • When specifying a media url, Baileys never loads the entire buffer into memory; it even encrypts the media as a readable stream.
import { MessageType, MessageOptions, Mimetype } from '@whiskeysockets/baileys'
// Sending gifs
await sock.sendMessage(
video: fs.readFileSync("Media/ma_gif.mp4"),
caption: "hello!",
gifPlayback: true

await sock.sendMessage(
video: "./Media/ma_gif.mp4",
caption: "hello!",
gifPlayback: true

// send an audio file
await sock.sendMessage(
{ audio: { url: "./Media/audio.mp3" }, mimetype: 'audio/mp4' }
{ url: "Media/audio.mp3" }, // can send mp3, mp4, & ogg


  • id is the WhatsApp ID of the person or group you're sending the message to.
    • It must be in the format [country code][phone number]
      • Example for people:
      • For groups, it must be in the format
    • For broadcast lists, it's [timestamp of creation]@broadcast.
    • For stories, the ID is status@broadcast.
  • For media messages, the thumbnail can be generated automatically for images & stickers provided you add jimp or sharp as a dependency in your project using yarn add jimp or yarn add sharp. Thumbnails for videos can also be generated automatically, though, you need to have ffmpeg installed on your system.
  • MiscGenerationOptions: some extra info about the message. It can have the following optional values:
    const info: MessageOptions = {
    quoted: quotedMessage, // the message you want to quote
    contextInfo: { forwardingScore: 2, isForwarded: true }, // some random context info (can show a forwarded message with this too)
    timestamp: Date(), // optional, if you want to manually set the timestamp of the message
    caption: "hello there!", // (for media messages) the caption to send with the media (cannot be sent with stickers though)
    "23GD#4/==" /* (for location & media messages) has to be a base 64 encoded JPEG if you want to send a custom thumb,
    or set to null if you don't want to send a thumbnail.
    Do not enter this field if you want to automatically generate a thumb
    Mimetype.pdf /* (for media messages) specify the type of media (optional for all media types except documents),
    import {Mimetype} from '@whiskeysockets/baileys'
    fileName: "somefile.pdf", // (for media messages) file name for the media
    /* will send audio messages as voice notes, if set to true */
    ptt: true,
    /** Should it send as a disappearing messages.
    * By default 'chat' -- which follows the setting of the chat */
    ephemeralExpiration: WA_DEFAULT_EPHEMERAL,