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Configuring the Connection

You can configure the connection by passing a SocketConfig object.

The entire SocketConfig structure is mentioned here with default values:

type SocketConfig = {
/** the WS url to connect to WA */
waWebSocketUrl: string | URL;
/** Fails the connection if the socket times out in this interval */
connectTimeoutMs: number;
/** Default timeout for queries, undefined for no timeout */
defaultQueryTimeoutMs: number | undefined;
/** ping-pong interval for WS connection */
keepAliveIntervalMs: number;
/** proxy agent */
agent?: Agent;
/** pino logger */
logger: Logger;
/** version to connect with */
version: WAVersion;
/** override browser config */
browser: WABrowserDescription;
/** agent used for fetch requests -- uploading/downloading media */
fetchAgent?: Agent;
/** should the QR be printed in the terminal */
printQRInTerminal: boolean;
/** should events be emitted for actions done by this socket connection */
emitOwnEvents: boolean;
/** provide a cache to store media, so does not have to be re-uploaded */
mediaCache?: NodeCache;
/** custom upload hosts to upload media to */
customUploadHosts: MediaConnInfo["hosts"];
/** time to wait between sending new retry requests */
retryRequestDelayMs: number;
/** time to wait for the generation of the next QR in ms */
qrTimeout?: number;
/** provide an auth state object to maintain the auth state */
auth: AuthenticationState;
/** manage history processing with this control; by default will sync up everything */
shouldSyncHistoryMessage: (
msg: proto.Message.IHistorySyncNotification
) => boolean;
/** transaction capability options for SignalKeyStore */
transactionOpts: TransactionCapabilityOptions;
/** provide a cache to store a user's device list */
userDevicesCache?: NodeCache;
/** marks the client as online whenever the socket successfully connects */
markOnlineOnConnect: boolean;
* map to store the retry counts for failed messages;
* used to determine whether to retry a message or not */
msgRetryCounterMap?: MessageRetryMap;
/** width for link preview images */
linkPreviewImageThumbnailWidth: number;
/** Should Baileys ask the phone for full history, will be received async */
syncFullHistory: boolean;
/** Should baileys fire init queries automatically, default true */
fireInitQueries: boolean;
* generate a high quality link preview,
* entails uploading the jpegThumbnail to WA
* */
generateHighQualityLinkPreview: boolean;

/** options for axios */
options: AxiosRequestConfig<any>;
* fetch a message from your store
* implement this so that messages failed to send (solves the "this message can take a while" issue) can be retried
* */
getMessage: (key: proto.IMessageKey) => Promise<proto.IMessage | undefined>;

Emulating the Desktop app instead of the web

  1. Baileys, by default, emulates a chrome web session
  2. If you'd like to emulate a desktop connection (and receive more message history), add this to your Socket config:
    const conn = makeWASocket({
    // can use Windows, Ubuntu here too
    browser: Browsers.macOS("Desktop"),
    syncFullHistory: true,