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Downloading Media Messages

If you want to save the media you received

import { writeFile } from 'fs/promises'
import { downloadMediaMessage } from '@whiskeysockets/baileys'

sock.ev.on('messages.upsert', async ({ messages }) => {
const m = messages[0]

if (!m.message) return // if there is no text or media message
const messageType = Object.keys (m.message)[0]// get what type of message it is -- text, image, video
// if the message is an image
if (messageType === 'imageMessage') {
// download the message
const buffer = await downloadMediaMessage(
{ },
// pass this so that baileys can request a reupload of media
// that has been deleted
reuploadRequest: sock.updateMediaMessage
// save to file
await writeFile('./my-download.jpeg', buffer)

WhatsApp automatically removes old media from their servers. For the device to access said media -- a re-upload is required by another device that has it. This can be accomplished using:

const updatedMediaMsg = await sock.updateMediaMessage(msg);